The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has extended the deadline for free Aadhaar updates. This service, originally set to end on 14 December 2024, will now be available until 14 June 2025.
UIDAI announced this update on its Twitter handle, stating that Aadhaar cardholders can update their details on the myAadhaar portal free of cost for the next six months.
Update Options: Online and Offline
UIDAI clarified that the free update facility is available only on the online myAadhaar portal. If you choose to update your Aadhaar details at an offline center, you will need to pay a specified fee.
UIDAI encourages everyone to keep their Aadhaar details updated to ensure uninterrupted access to government schemes and services.
UIDAI has advised people to keep their Aadhaar details updated to continue receiving the benefits of government services and schemes.
Importance of Updating Aadhaar
Aadhaar is a unique identification number linked to each Indian citizen’s biometric and demographic data. It prevents fake or duplicate identities
and ensures that government benefits reach the right people. Failure to update Aadhaar details may result in losing access to essential services and schemes.
Steps to Update Aadhaar for Free
Here is the simple process to update your Aadhaar details online for free:
1) Visit the official myAadhaar portal on UIDAI’s website.
2) Go to the ‘My Aadhaar’ section and select ‘Update your Aadhaar.’
3) Click on ‘Document Update’ under the ‘Update Aadhaar Details (Online)’ page.
4) Enter your Aadhaar number, fill in the captcha code, and request an OTP.
5) After entering the OTP, update your information and upload the required documents.
6) Once submitted, you will receive an Update Request Number (URN), which can be used to track the application status.